We Specialize In Your Industry.
Seaton and Associates recruiters specialize by industry, which means they understand your market, know your competitors, and have the relationships necessary to bring you the most exceptional candidates in your field.The Seaton and Associates Advantage
We help clients gain a unique and sustainable talent advantage by delivering top-tier candidates with speed, accuracy, and transparency. Partner with us for better:

You have a clear vision for the future. You need a strong team to help you execute it, but the best candidates aren’t looking for jobs. We find them, challenge their status quo, and invite them to visualize a new future. When their ambition matches your opportunity, we deliver them to you.

Ninety percent of our clients are repeat clients. We are experts at matching companies and candidates whose values and goals align. We create relationships that build companies and grow careers.

Twenty years of national recruiting experience enables us to deliver candidates with speed and accuracy other recruiting firms can’t match. Our recruiting process has been carefully designed to not only deliver results but ensure both clients and candidates have positive experiences.