Emily Lewis

May 17, 2021

10 Ways to Attract Recruiters and Hiring Managers in 2021

Jobs post-COVID recovery are likely to return at a faster rate than ever seen before on a sustained basis. We’re certainly seeing that at Seaton and Associates with placement requests tripling our monthly average in the last two months. Industries from hospitality to construction are staffing up with hiring needs at every level. Now is a great time to update your resumes and LinkedIn profiles if you’re looking for your next job opportunity. But that’s not all you can do to get attention from recruiters and hiring managers. Try these 10 tactics to set yourself apart from other candidates and land your next big opportunity:
July 16, 2019

How Seaton and Associates Recruits for Long-Term Impact

Matching people with companies is about more than just finding the right skills and experience. It’s about building strong teams - closing the gap between the talent you need and the talent you have. The “good-on-paper” candidates don’t cut it when companies have to run lean, and every employee needs to pull their weight. Attitude and chemistry are just as important as the hard skills required for the job.
May 29, 2019

5 Reasons Second Cities’ Suburbs Are Key Markets for Home Builders

Mid-tier or second cities have caught the eye of Millennials and developers over the last decade. Cities, such as Fort Worth, Colorado Springs, Sacramento, and Jacksonville, have experienced a noticeable uptick in growth. Second city suburbs present an opportunity for home builders to thrive in an otherwise tough land acquisition and labor market.